Winning Team
Accolades and Awards
Below are some of the accolades and awards achieved by Pembrokeshire College and its amazing staff in recent years.

Green Dragon
The College has been certified to Green Dragon Environmental Standard Level 5 since 2013. Level 5 is the highest level and demonstrates the College’s high standards of environmental management. Certification involves an annual audit. We are committed to being carbon net zero by 2030.

Learning Excellence Awards Winner 2022
The Learning Excellence Awards are business awards for the whole business training/learning and development sector. The Awards are impartial and independent and look to reward relevant, agile, innovative, excellent and effective initiatives, programmes, products and services wherever they may be found. The College won the award, in the Learning Tools and Technology category, in 2022.

Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS)
Pembrokeshire College is proud to support the UK’s armed forces and reservists and has signed the Armed Forces Covenant as a voluntary pledge of mutual support. The Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) acknowledges employers who have provided exceptional support to the armed forces community and defence by going above and beyond their covenant pledges.

Disability Confident Leader
We have taken all the core actions required to be a Disability Confident employer, we are annually validated and are proud of this certification.

Careers and Education Guidance (CEG) Quality Award
The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.