Here to help

Award Winning Support

We have a wide variety of support and safeguarding services that are available for all our students, whether you are here full-time, one day a week or even just for a few hours each week, you’ll have access to all our support and safeguarding services.

Contact us:

Smiling woman high-fiving person in foreground, with neon lighting.
Lady using an ATM with blue lighting.

Financial Help

If your financial situation is affecting your ability to study there are several funding opportunities that may be available to you to help. You can find out more on our student finance page.

If the course has been cancelled by the College you will be entitled to a full refund. Please see our Fee Policy for more details.
This will depend on when you withdraw/cancelled your place. Please see our Fee Policy for more details.
Young person with headphones on with moody lighting.

Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

At Pembrokeshire College we take learner support very seriously. As a leading education provider, we aim to maximise all our learners’ potential. Our award winning learning and wellbeing support helps to raise individual learner’s performance and help them progress to further learning, successful voluntary or employment opportunities or preparing for adulthood.

It is very important that, if you are planning on attending college, that you advise the Learning Support team of your support needs at the earliest stage possible and before your interview.

This is because we want to be certain that we can meet your support needs before you join our courses.

Yes, if you received support in school you can continue to receive support in College.

We have large team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA) who provide classroom, workshop and drop-in support for all our learners with additional learning needs, learning difficulties and disabilities during their time at College.

LSA support can be adapted to suit a learner’s individual needs. The support varies from supporting individual learners needs on a 1:1 or shared basis; help in completing assignments, adapting resources, making notes, time management, organisation skills, and developing their digital literacy, numeracy and literacy skills.

The LSA team also provide personal support to assist in day-to-day activities. Learners with mobility needs, medical needs and general care needs will be supported with dignity and respect and in a person-centred way.

The College has a large, dedicated and extensive Learning Support Team, who work together to ensure that the appropriate levels of support and guidance are in place to suit the needs of individual learners. The Team will signpost, where necessary, to the other College support services: safeguarding, counselling, medical, finance, transport etc

The Learner Support team will work with you, and the people that know you best. This could be your school, parents, carers, and Career Wales to ensure that we have the correct information about how best to support you during your transition and admission to College. This can include attending your School Annual Review; offering an individual or small group transition visit to the College; helping you to make an application to College and supporting you through the admissions process; ensuring all appropriate access arrangements or personal care is in place.

Please see the CollegesWales Post-16 Implementation Guide.

Whatever course a learner joins, we will ensure that all your additional learning needs, learning difficulties or disabilities, will be met in the College environment.

It is very important that, if you are planning on attending college, that you advise the Learning Support team of your support needs at the earliest stage possible and before your interview.

This is because we want to be certain that we can meet your support needs before you join our courses.

We offer both Universal and Additional Learning Provision (ULP/ALP).

Yes, we have a dedicated Learning Support Transition Team who will provide person centred support to help you move into the College environment.

One of the team:

  • will attend your School Annual Review or Transition Review and provide information on the College’s additional learning provision (ALP) and offer advice and guidance on College course choices
  • work with you, your school, parents, carers, and Careers Wales to ensure that we have the correct information about how best to support you during your transition and admission to College
  • offer you an individual or small group transition visit to the College
  • ask you about your wishes and dreams for your future
  • may observe you in your classroom setting in school to assess your learning support needs
  • discuss how your learning support needs will be met when you come to College
  • help you make an application to College and support you through the admissions process
  • advise you on transport available and the application process
  • provide links to applying for financial support to help you during your course
  • provide you with dates of the College Open Events, Transition and Link Days
  • provide you with a named contact at College who will work with you to develop your personalised transition into College
  • help produce or update your One Page Profile (OPP)

In order to do this, we will be asking you for your consent for the school to share your medical or learning support information so that we can ensure that we can fully support you during your College programme. You will be asked to complete a learning support questionnaire as part of your course application.

Click here to view our current ALN transition guide.

If you have any queries, or would like to arrange a transition visit please email:

While at college the Transition Team will help with:
  • undertaking an assessment for exam access arrangements
  • access to College facilities and equipment
  • signposting you to advice on transport, health, financial support and student services
  • access to a wide range of assistive and adaptive technology
  • support throughout your time in College
  • your next steps once you are ready to leave College
If you have any queries, or would like to arrange a transition visit please email:
We can support learners who require any assistive technology in order for them to access their course of study. We offer both Universal and Additional Learning Provision. Universal Learning Provision includes:
  • Inclusive teaching strategies
  • Wellbeing Support from our Pastoral Coach team
  • Learner Coach support
  • Course Tutor support and tutorials
  • Assistive Technology
  • Exam Access Arrangements
  • ALN friendly Areas
  • Learning Support Questionnaire and One Page Profile +
Following an assessment of need we can provide you with Additional Learning Provision range of technology such as:
  • LSA Support in some or all your sessions
  • Accessibility requirements
  • Personal and/or medical care
  • Specialist Technology
  • IDP creation
  • Differentiated methods of working
Training can be provided to access the full potential of the aids given.

Yes, we have a team of Communication Support Workers (CSW) who provide 1:1 support for our hearing-impaired learners and will adapt or modify resources, make notes, and help in completing assignments according to the learner’s individual needs.

All of the LSA’s and CSW’s work very closely with the curriculum teaching teams and are trained and encouraged to develop a learner’s independence skills whilst at College.

If you have an Additional Learning Need (ALN) which makes it difficult for you to walk to College, or access mainstream transport, please refer to our Special Transport Guidance.

For students who may have followed a School Action Plus programme or an Alternative Curriculum, or perhaps attended some additional support sessions, had LSA support in classes, or attended a Special Education Needs (SEN) School, our Life Skills Academy courses are tailored to support your needs.

Our Life Skills Academy courses focus on Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE), Vocational Skills, and Essential Skills Wales. They are ideal if you are unsure what pathway to take next and need that extra provision. LSA support is available where needed for all learners.

Headshot of Sian.
Sian Thompson
ALN & Inclusion Lead
Headshot of Kristal.
Kristal Davies
Specialist Support Assessor
Blank headshot placeholder.
Natalie Reynolds
Transition Coordinator
Portrait of tutor David.
David Jones
Transition Coordinator
Blank headshot placeholder.
Diane Smyth
Learning Support Administrator
Neon lights spelling Good vibes only.

Support in College

We embrace all aspects of equality and diversity in all of our services and provision. As a College we are fully committed offering an inclusive learning environment that meets the educational needs of our learners regardless of their age, gender, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation or social and economic circumstances. To support this we have a dedicated Learning Support and Equality Manager, who works alongside learners (and their parents/carers) to ensure that their educational needs are met.

If you’re struggling with the workload, this first thing is to speak to your tutor to let them know.

The next thing is to find your Learning Coach in The Hwb – they will be able to help you to make a plan and to get back on top of your workload.

Every learner in College has access to a dedicated Learning Coach to aid the academic transition from school to College. One of the main aims of the team is to encourage the development of independent learning skills; which will enable learners to achieve their academic goals.

Learning Coaches will work with learners to help them develop the necessary skills to enable them to become independent learners. They can arrange 1-1 or group sessions, tailor-made to the individual’s needs.

Sessions may include:

  • Organisation
  • Assignment work
  • Revision techniques
  • Study skills
  • Motivation

We don’t have a Student Union on campus but students are able to apply for an NUS card for discounts in some stores.

We also have an active Learner Voice programme and you will be encouraged to become a Course Representative or to even stand for Student Governor to ensure that the views of learners are heard.

The College is proud to be delivering the Reaching Wider project, giving looked after learners additional support to progress on their course and have the opportunity to attend Higher Education taster sessions.

Órlaith, is part of our Safeguarding Team and dedicated to the support and wellbeing of our looked after learners and care leavers. Órlaith is based in The Wellbeing Hub. Her phone number is: 01437 753 186, email

Pembrokeshire College has a designated officer, Judith Evans, as part of our Safeguarding Team she can provide advice and support to learners who are estranged from their parents. This can be regarding their current studies and also for progression to further studies at Pembrokeshire College or going to University.

Judith is based in The Hwb (up the stairs in the atrium). Her phone number is: 01437 753186, email

For information on how you can support your child during their studies at College, please refer to the Parents Page

Pembrokeshire College is committed to developing its bilingual provision and ethos. We promote bilingualism and encourage all our students to develop and use their Welsh language skills.

Bilingual opportunities

Students are welcome to access tutorials in Welsh, to complete assessments or assignments through the medium of Welsh and there are many units that you can study in Welsh or bilingually too.

Studying your vocational course bilingually will help you develop valuable skills for the workplace and will give you a wider range options when you leave College.

Visit our Welsh Language in the College page to find out what is available to you

Your tutor

If you have any concerns about your studies let them know, if you have any worries about things other than your course, they’ll be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

Pastoral Coaches

On-hand throughout your study to support you with any issues you may be facing.

Guidance Team

Our Advice and Guidance Team can support you with your progression, whether you need help with identifying your ambitions, knowing how to get to where you want to be, or simply researching your options. Our friendly advisors are here to help you. Pop in and visit them in the Admissions Office or drop them an email:


We have a non-denomination chaplain who attends the College once a week.


The College provides a free and confidential counselling service to both students and staff. The counselling team will help you to explore your thoughts, feelings and worries and to consider your options so that you can make the decisions that are best for you.

You can make an appointment to see a member of the counselling team by calling or by emailing

Youth Worker

Our Youth Worker is on hand to help signpost learners who are having difficulties with any aspect of their studies or life in general.

Pembrokeshire College aims to support all its learners and works closely with partner agencies to provide additional support for learners who have carer responsibilities.

The College is proud to be working with Investors in Carers and the Driving Change project in partnership with the Carers Federation and the Learning and Work Institute. We hold the Investors in Carers bronze award and the Carers Federation Quality Standard for Carer Support.

We offer our Carers:

  • A dedicated team that unpaid Carers can turn to for support and signposting, The Safeguarding and Wellbeing Team can be reached by emailing
  • A referral service to register learners as Carers with their GP and with Carer Information Services.
  • Resources for Carers – including lists of organisations available to help Carers, information on benefits, health and wellbeing and how to get one-to-one advice and guidance.
  • Provide a network for Carers to meet and engage with other learners who are Carers
  • If there is a time where the Carer’s responsibility impacts on their studies they can bring it to the attention of the Safeguarding team and the College will consider reasonable adjustments.
  • Give priority to Carers for financial support from the Financial Contingency Fund.
  • Support a learner Carer to represent other Carers at Learner Voice meetings and to work alongside our Safeguarding and Wellbeing team to keep the needs of Carers at the forefront of learner service provision.
  • Arrange events that raise awareness and provide information to Carers such as celebrating Young Carers Day and Carer Awareness Week.
A Specialist Support Assessor provides a diagnostic assessment for examination access arrangements. This includes assessing reasonable adjustments for learners with disabilities and Additional Learning Needs in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Participating in enrichment activities will support not only your mental health and wellbeing, but also help you to make new friends, and provide you with opportunities to learn new skills. Most importantly though, our enrichment activities are designed for you to have fun and get the most out of your time at College.

Below is an example of our weekly provision, this may change during the College year. To find out the latest information, once you are in College, come along to the Wellbeing Hub (based in the atrium).

  • A-level Prom Committee
  • Arts and Crafts (inc Knitting for Mental Health)
  • Board and Card Games
  • Clwb Cymraeg
  • Drama Club
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Fantasy Games Group (inc Dungeon & Dragons)
  • Film Club
  • Fitness Activities (Basketball, Circuits, Boccia, Boxercise, Self Defence)
  • Gaming Group
  • Mental Health Support Groups
  • Music Jam meet ups
  • OpenLearn with Open University
  • Pembrokeshire Orchestra
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons
  • Pride Group
  • Safe Space
  • Sign Language Lessons
  • Sports Academies (Rugby, Football, Netball)
  • UCAS Support

These activities are supported by specialist and skilled staff and are open to ALL College learners.

Copier scanner with a bright light inside.


We are an Encompass College and take the safeguarding of all our learners seriously.

Contact us:

Need someone to talk to?

Support and Safeguarding Services
Pastoral Coaches
Careers Advisors
Welsh Government
youth worker

Your Tutor

If you have any concerns about your studies let your tutor know, it’s important that they know if you are struggling or don’t understand so they offer the right support. If you have any worries about things other than your course, they’ll be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

Pastoral Coaches

Each Faculty has dedicated Pastoral Coaches who you’ll be introduced to during the first few weeks of College. Your Pastoral Coach will be on-hand throughout your studies to support you with any difficulties or barriers which are preventing you from achieving your full potential. Support includes both appointment and drop-in services, support and advice on wellbeing, relationships, behaviour, attendance, attainment, motivation, confidence building, housing, financial and signposting to other agencies for other support as required, plus regular contact throughout your time in college and during all college holidays.

Careers Advisors

Pembrokeshire College’s Careers & Guidance Advisors can support you with your progression; whether you need help with identifying your ambitions, knowing how to get to where you want to be, or simply researching your options. Our friendly advisors are here to help you. Visit them in the Admissions Office or drop them an email.

Wellbeing Team

Our Wellbeing Team are here to help you get the most out of your College experience. We have a wide variety of support services including a nurse, counsellors, employment bureau, chaplain, youth worker, TogetherAll (website offering online support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) plus much more. Visit The Hwb (at the top of the stairs in the atrium) to find out about the support available and how to access it.

TogetherAll, Mental health support. 24/7. Confidential. Online community. Free to all students.

Out of Hours

Please see a list of additional support offerings below if required:

Crisis or Emergency

  • If you think that either yourself or someone else are going to hurt themselves, call the police or ambulance service 999 or go to your local Accident and Emergency department immediately
  • If you or someone you know are at risk from domestic violence, call the police on 999 immediately
If you are made homeless Other homelessness support

Keep Warm Keep Well is a campaign to support people across Pembrokeshire during the cost of living crisis.

The campaign is being led by the Pembrokeshire Community Hub in partnership with Pembrokeshire County Council, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services and a variety of agencies including Hywel Dda Health Board, Emergency Services and the Voluntary Sector.

Across Pembrokeshire we are once again seeing communities and organisations doing a fantastic job offering a range of local solutions including a warm space, hot meal, activities and access to information & advice. View online some of these Warm Welcome Community Spaces and what they have to offer.

A Winter Warm pack of items is available to people living in cold conditions in Pembrokeshire. The warm packs are part of Pembrokeshire’s programme of support for people struggling with the cost of living.

  • The packs will be distributed by West Wales Care & Repair and Ateb staff and volunteers on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council.
  • Each pack contains a range of items to help people keep warm during the cold winter months.
  • To ensure these Warm packs reach those who would benefit from them the most, they are available by Referral Only (not self-referral).
  • Contact the College Wellbeing Team or Pembrokeshire Community Hub on 01437 723 660 or email
NHS 111 Wales poster, sad person looking at a phone. For urgent mental health support call 111 and press option 2. Healthcare advice you can trust 24/7 Free to call from a landline or mobile, even if you have no credit left.
  • Hywel Dda Mental Health Helpline 111 Option 2
  • If you need medical support for a mental health condition speak to your GP for advice and a referral to mental health services.
  • If you are in crisis, go to your closest Accident and Emergency department.
The following organisations can offer counselling and support: