Great results come from great plans
Our Mission: To pursue excellence, empower individuals and develop the future workforce.
Pembrokeshire College is a dynamic and high quality provider of further, higher and work-based education and training with nearly 2,000 full-time and 13,000 part-time learners and apprentices. The College employs over 500 talented and dedicated staff who are well-qualified, supportive and who care passionately about their students.
Pembrokeshire College offers a comprehensive academic and vocational offer, covering all curriculum areas, including the priority sectors of Health and Care, Engineering, Construction, Food and Farming, Life Science, Information Communication & Technology, Finance, Tourism, Hospitality, Catering and Creative Arts.

Policies, Strategic Documents, Environmental & Governance

- Admissions Policy
- Annual Review
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Assessment Malpractice Policy
- Careers Advice and Guidance Policy
- Code of Ethical Employment Practices in Supply Chains
- College Strategic Plan
- Communication Policy
- Compliments and Complaints Policy
- Cookie Policy
- Customer Care Policy
- Data Access and Protection Policy
- Enterprise Annual Impact Report
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Equality and Diversity Report
- Equality Strategic Plan
- Estyn Inspection Report
- Examinations Guidance Policy
- Fee Policy
- Financial Accounts
- Fitness to Study Policy
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Health and Safety Policy
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Looked After Young People Strategy
- More Able and Talented Strategy
- Poverty Strategy
- Quality and Standards Committee Annual Report
- Safeguarding Policy
- Special Transport Guidance
- Student Attendance and Withdrawal Policy
- Student Financial Support Policy
- Student Internal Appeals Policy
- Student Positive Behaviour and Disciplinary Policy
- Student Transport Policy
- Student Travel Insurance Information
- Sustainability Policy
- Sustainability Report
- Website Disclaimer and Accessibility Statement
- Welsh Language Policy

Environmental Impact
Pembrokeshire College has been committed to reducing its environmental impact and carbon emissions since 2002. In October 2021, the College renewed that commitment and committed to Carbon Net Zero by 2030.
The College recognises and takes seriously its privileged position in being able to influence young people to take action to reduce their own carbon footprint.
The College has developed an environmental improvement plan which focuses not only its measurable carbon footprint but on wider actions such as biodiversity.
The College has adopted the ‘Welsh Government’s Carbon Net Zero 2030 Reporting Guidelines for the Public Sector’. The College are proud to be an early adopter of this guidance.
The College has been certified to Green Dragon Environmental Standard Level 5 since 2013. Level 5 is the highest level and demonstrates the College’s high standards of environmental management. Certification involves an annual audit.
The College has reduced its annual electricity consumption by 52% since 2002 through the use of green technology and energy saving measures and we plan to improve this. We have committed to a green electricity tariff which means all electricity which we get from the grid comes from renewable sources.
The College’s sites generate and use approximately 36,400 kWh of renewable electricity and heat each year through green technologies such as solar panels and ground source heat pumps. That is about the equivalent of providing 10 average houses with electricity. Using more renewable energy is a key focus of our commitment to carbon net zero by 2030.
The College recognises the global impact of food waste. Our catering staff and learners give unsold meals to the College’s food bank. Helping our College community and reducing food waste.
The College has reduced its annual water usage by 53% since 2002 through water saving initiatives. The saving is equivalent to the usage of 24 households annually.
The College already has lots of wildlife onsite and has plans in place to improve this. Plans include bug hotels, swift boxes, pollinating plants, wildflower meadows and hedgehog hives.
The College’s pre-pandemic carbon footprint is 852,783 kgs CO2e. The College is committed to improving this and being carbon net zero by 2030.
The College has reduced its gas consumption by 52% since 2002 through energy saving initiatives. We are committed to reducing this further and being carbon net zero by 2030.

Welsh Language Standards
Pembrokeshire College is committed to complying with the Welsh Language Standards, as set out by the Welsh Government under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.
The Standards are a set of legally binding requirements that aim to improve the bilingual service that the people of Wales can expect to receive from a number of public and statutory bodies, including universities and colleges.

The Standards explain how organisations are expected to use the Welsh language in different situations.
The duties which come from the Standards mean that organisations should not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, together with promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language (making it easier for people to use in their day-to-day-life).
Pembrokeshire College is required to comply with the following Standards:
- Service Delivery
- Policy Making
- Operational
- Record Keeping
Standards aim to:
- make it clear to organisations what their duties are in relation to the Welsh language
- make it clearer to Welsh speakers about the services they can expect to receive in Welsh
- make Welsh language services more consistent and improve their quality.
The Standards that are relevant to Pembrokeshire College are listed within the Compliance Notification issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner.
Read the College’s annual on monitoring report on compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.
We welcome comments of all kinds, whether they are complaints or compliments, so that we are able to learn from any shortcomings and ensure that we recognise and share good practice.
Here is a copy of the complaints procedure in relation to the Standards or any other aspect relating to the Welsh language.
If you have any questions or would like further information on the College’s Welsh Language Standards, please contact the Welsh Language Development Officer:

In accordance with the Further and Higher Education (Governance and Information) Act 2014, each College of Further Education is required to have a Governing Body. The Governing Body of the College is known as the Corporation Board. The Corporation Board is accountable for setting the educational character, mission and strategic direction of the College and oversees its activities and performance. The Board is also accountable for the proper use of public funds entrusted to it.
The Corporation Board’s governance structure includes the establishment of a “Membership Body” to further develop relationships with businesses, schools, voluntary organisations and the wider public and encourage greater community participation and integration with the College. This body is known as the Pembrokeshire College Advisory Forum. The Pembrokeshire College Advisory Forum will meet each term and will act as an advisory/consultative body and where appropriate will make recommendations to the Corporation Board.
The College operates within Instrument and Articles of Government.
Calendar of upcoming meetings
Please note: on occasion, dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances
- 24 September 2024, 15:30 – Search and Remuneration Committee
- 26 September 2024, 08:30 – Quality and Standards Committee
- 08 October 2024, 08:00 – Audit Committee
- 15 October 2024, 16:00 – A-Level Centre Committee
- 22 October 2024, 17:00 – Board
- 12 November 2024, 16:30 – Pembrokeshire College Advisory Forum
- 19 November 2024, 08:00 – Audit Committee Presentation of Accounts
- 26 November 2024,
15:30 – Search and Remuneration Committee - 03 December 2024, 17:00 – Board
- 11 February 2025, 08:00 – Audit Committee
- 4 March 2025, 16:00 – A-Level Centre Committee
- 11 March 2025, 15:30 – Search and Remuneration Committee
- 20 March 2025, 08:30 – Quality and Standards Committee
- 25 March 2025, 17:00 – Board
- 8 April 2025, 16:30 – Pembrokeshire College Advisory Forum
- 6 May 2025, 15:30 – Search and Remuneration Committee
- 13 May 2025, 16:00 – A-Level Centre Committee
- 20 May 2025, 17:00 – Board
- 5 June 2025, 08:30 – Quality and Standards Committee
- 10 June 2025, 08:00 – Audit Committee
- 12 June 2025, 09:00 – Board Planning Session
- 17 June 2025, 16:00 – Pembrokeshire College Advisory Forum
- 24 June 2025, 15:30 – Search and Remuneration Committee
- 08 July 2025, 17:00 – Board
Annual Reports
- Catherine Freeman
- Governance Officer
- 01437 753 315