For you and your business
Developing the future workforce
With a training heritage exceeding 50 years, we are proud to work alongside local businesses to drive economic growth for the region.
Our Central Training team are dedicated to supporting local businesses and have expertise in identifying the training opportunities and funding streams that will help you to meet your current targets as well as your future aspirations.
With a dedicated Account Manager, you will have access to specialist knowledge and resources across a broad range of sectors.
Whatever your business needs, we would love to hear from you and to support you with training needs analysis, recruitment, apprenticeships, work-based and bespoke training.
Dr Barry Walters
Principal, Pembrokeshire College
Contact us:
- Pembrokeshire College, Haverfordwest, SA61 1SZ
- Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
- +44 1437 753 320

Pembrokeshire College offers a wide range of work-based learning options, available as Apprenticeships and Work-based courses.
Both options can be a mix of classroom (usually one day per week) and practical competence designed to improve productivity by developing skills and knowledge directly related to the job role, and an opportunity to earn whilst you learn.
What is an Apprenticeship?
An Apprenticeship is a programme of learning (also known as a Framework), containing a number of different qualifications which are achieved in the workplace with the support of an employer, and time may be required to attend College for specific occupational routes.
You can find out more about recruiting an apprentice on the Welsh Government website.
Features of the Apprenticeship Programme in Wales include:
- Learning based in the workplace and supervised by an employer
- On and off-the-job education and training
- External regulation of training standards both in and outside the workplace
- All-age provision and providing people with higher level training in their chosen professions
- Learning and acquiring a skill
- Training follows a defined programme of learning with established standards for a recognised occupation; and
- An Apprenticeship Learning Agreement on the programme between the apprentice, employer and provider
What costs are involved?
An Apprenticeship is fully funded (no cost) and sets out the content and qualifications that an apprentice should aim to achieve, covering occupational competencies and the relevant technical knowledge.
Apprenticeships are designed to equip learners with transferable skills relevant to the wider industry, as well as the specific skills associated with each Framework.
Employers are responsible for the salary of the apprentice which will reflect their age and experience.
What are the eligibility requirements for an apprentice?
Eligibility criteria – (Evidence must be provided to prove the apprentice can meet the eligibility criteria, before the start of the programme, some elements of the evidence required will need to be provided by the employer):
- Legal right to live and work in the UK
- Able to provide evidence of highest qualification achieved
- At least 16 years old
- Employed/Self-employed for at least 16 hours per week (e.g. employment contract)
- Earning the national minimum wage (e.g. payslip or copy of employment contract)
Companies/Employers will also need to provide evidence of insurance and undergo a Health and Safety vetting visit and subsequent monitoring visits throughout the duration of the apprentices’ programme.
Once an apprentice commences their programme, they will be required to complete a review with their assessor every 1-2 months, a review will require input from the employer/apprentice’s manager or supervisor, as well as the learner and assessor/reviewer. Reviews may take place in person or online, authenticated with either signatures or emails from each party.
What apprenticeship routes are available at the College?
We offer a wide range of apprenticeship programmes from business to hospitality, engineering, construction and health and care.
You can view the full range of apprenticeships on the apprenticeships course page.
Want your employee(s) to complete a work-based qualification but they are not an apprentice?
A work-based course is a qualification completed mainly in the workplace with the support of a reviewer/assessor. It is advisable that the learner is working or volunteering for at least 16 hours per week.
Learning is primarily based in the workplace and supervised by an employer with on and off-the-job education, time may be required to attend College for specific occupational routes.
Learners have a timeframe to complete the qualification within, this is dependent upon the qualification and level. Pathways are available to all-ages and provide people with higher level training in their chosen profession.
Please see the individual course information pages or Adult Learner brochure for a breakdown of costs and information on funding that may be available to individuals and employers.
WB Griffiths & Son Limited ...
WB Griffiths & Son Limited are proud of their record on providing apprenticeship training across disciplines of the construction sector and of the long collaborative record of working with Pembrokeshire College as the provider of courses to help facilitate the training of local people.
This joint working approach facilitates the upskilling of WB Griffiths & Son Limited’s labour force and the retention of highly skilled employees within Pembrokeshire.
WB Griffiths & Son Limited, highly values the investment of Pembrokeshire College in both the scope and remit of the courses it provides to students and the support it provides the construction sector in performing this vital role within the community.
Next steps...
If you have already have an apprentice in place, or an existing member of staff that you would like to upskill, please visit the subject course information page and complete the application form with your employee. If you require any support or more information please contact us / 01437 753 320
If you are looking to recruit, Pembrokeshire College can help you find the right person to join your team. Please see ‘Recruitment Service’ tile below for more information or you can reach the team on / 01437 753 463

Bespoke Training
What is bespoke training?
We believe one of our greatest assets is our ability to offer you a training solution that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of your business.
Whether you are looking to up-skill your employees with a specific skill, or you require a comprehensive training programme, your account manager will work with you to develop an in-house training solution tailored to your business.
I'm not sure what training we need?
Our experienced and knowledgeable assessors will be able to recommend exactly which type of training you would require based on your business, time-scale and budget requirements.
Throughout the process we will work with you to create an individual training course or a fully bespoke training programme. At this point, it may become clear that you require further consultation to achieve your strategic business aims. If this is the case, then we offer a full consultancy process in which funding options are explored and ongoing support/development is implemented to guide your business to its goals.
An individual training course or bespoke training programme can be delivered in a range of formats.

Central Training

Why choose Central Training?
Join more than 2,000 employers across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion who choose Central Training to meet their training needs.
To thrive in today’s economy a skilled and motivated workforce is recognised as one of the key components of business success.
At Central Training we are committed to working with you to build a workforce that will see your company prosper. You will be assigned a specialist Account Manager who will work with you to identify your current needs and help you to plan to meet your future goals through effective staff continual professional development (CPD) and training.
Through the right training we will help you to build an inspired and motivated workforce who will use their new skills and confidence to help you to meet your business goals.
What types of training do you provide?
Business Skills, Leadership & Professional Training
We offer a wide range of professional courses to help your employees to enhance their skills. The specialist knowledge they bring back to the workplace will help you to meet your business goals.
Technical Skills Training
Our technical training courses are designed to equip your employees with the skills needed to perform a specific element of their job.
Apprenticeship & Higher Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of sectors and are continuing to grow in popularity being recognised as one of the most effective ways to strengthen your workforce.
Online Training
We know it’s not always easy to release employees for training, that’s why we are developing more blended learning options alongside our LearnOnline provision. Our LearnOnline courses can be accessed using a computer and internet connection from anywhere. LearnOnline allows your employees to work at their own pace, studying when they want and where they want, allowing them to fit studies around busy lifestyles.
Where is the training done?
Training programmes delivered at the College benefit from the following facilities:
- The Innovation Centre is a state-of-the-art facility for design, engineering, media, photography, construction and music. Specialist resources combined with highly skilled staff provide a wide range of further and higher education opportunities in subjects that will be crucial for the development of a competitive high-skill economy.
- The Energy Centre provides gas, oil and water training, accredited assessment and live renewables installation and servicing facilities. Training courses are run on-demand throughout the year.
- The Construction Centre is an excellent training environment for school leavers, trades people and professionals wanting to improve their skills and qualifications. With modern equipment, large workshops and experienced lecturers, the College is well placed for those looking to learn a trade.
Training can also be delivered on your company premises or at an alternative location to suit you and your business needs.
What employment sectors do you offer training in?
- Animal Management
- Beauty & Complementary Therapies
- Business & Management
- Catering & Hospitality
- Childcare
- Construction
- Creative Industries
- Engineering
- Financial Services
- Hairdressing & Barbering
- Health & Safety
- Health & Social Care
- IT
- Languages
- Marine
- Sport
- Teaching
The Team

Energy Centre
What is the Energy Centre?
The purpose built Energy Centre on the Haverfordwest campus provides gas, oil and water training, accredited assessment and live renewables installation and servicing facilities.
Run by specialist staff, the Energy Centre offers a one-stop shop for the training of plumbing and heating engineers and businesses throughout Wales.
The Centre offers a full complement of energy courses including OFTEC Oil and ACS Gas training and assessment as well as plumbing and renewable courses aiming to support those working toward MCS accreditation. The Centre also offers BPEC Managed Learning Programmes for new entrants to Domestic Gas Engineering.
Courses are run on demand and can be specifically tailored to your organisation.
What training do they offer?
- ACS Gas Refresher Training
- Air & Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Central/Water Heating Assessment
- Domestic Gas Courses
- Fire Sprinkler Installation & Maintenance
- Gas Training (refresher & new entrant)
- OFTEC Courses
- Safe Isolation of Electrical Installations
- Solar Thermal Hot Water
- Unvented Hot Water
- Water Regulations
Who can I contact in the Energy Centre?
For any further information on our Energy Centre courses please contact:
Central Team: 01437 753 320
Department administrator: 01437 753 276

Facilities Hire
What facilities do you have for hire?
From meeting rooms for two people to a theatre for 220. The choice is yours!
We are able to offer a range of spaces for hire including a light and airy atrium, meeting rooms of various sizes, IT suites, the Merlin Theatre, dance studios and the Restaurant.
For those looking for a larger space we are also able to hire out the sports hall.
With on-site parking and a range of refreshment options, Pembrokeshire College represents a high-quality and convenient facility for meetings and conferences.
To enquire call: 01437 753 000 or email:
How much does it cost to hire your facilities?
The cost can vary significantly depending on the space you are looking to hire, how long you require the space for and whether any extra staffing is required if the event is outside our normal opening hours.
To enquire call: 01437 753 000 or email:
Can I hire a space during term time?
Due to classes taking place it can sometimes be difficult to hire a space during 09:00 – 16:00 during term-time. Our facilities have best availability after 17:00 and on weekends during term-time or on weekdays during the holiday periods.
To enquire call: 01437 753 000 or email:

Is there funding available for my training?
Our trained advisers are on-hand to ensure that you are made aware of any funded training opportunities that your business may be eligible for.
The funding available, and courses and companies that are eligible, change frequently, so check back for the latest funding opportunities. Free, and or, subsidised courses, are currently available through apprenticeship funding and the Personal Learning Accounts.
Eligibility for employers accessing training via the Personal Learning Account is different to that for individuals so please check eligibility before registering your employees for a course.
What are Personal Learning Accounts?
- Supporting the skills development of your employees
- Enabling employees to gain qualifications to help meet current skills gaps
- Helping to address current challenges and grow your business
- Support with long term skills needs to improve your business
- Support qualifications within the priority sectors

Jobs Growth Wales+
What is Jobs Growth Wales+?
What subject routes are available?
At Pembrokeshire College we are able to offer the following five routes:
- Business Leisure and Tourism
- Construction (General)
- Engineering (General)
- Beauty, Arts, Care and Hair
To apply for one of these programmes, please click here.

Learning at Work
What is learning at work?
Our learning at work courses provide employers with the flexibility for their employees (or volunteers) to upskill and gain qualifications whilst minimising time away from the workplace. A wide range of qualifications are available as Apprenticeships and stand-alone work-based qualifications, both pathways assess practical competence designed to improve productivity by developing skills and knowledge directly related to the job role.
Depending on the qualification requirements, the employee can be solely assessed in the workplace by an assessor with industry experience, other qualifications will require a mix of classroom (usually one day per week in College) and work place assessment. Please see the individual course pages for more information on the requirements.
Learners need to be in the workplace for at least 16 hours per week.
What costs are involved?
Learning at work courses provide a cost effective way to build a talented workforce for the future and up-skill both new and existing staff. An apprentice will receive their training at no cost to a business, please see the individual course information pages or Adult Learner brochure for a breakdown of other work-based qualification costs and information on funding that may be available to individuals and employers.
The employer is responsible for the salary of their employee which should reflect their age and experience.
Employers will also be required to allow the employee time to be assessed in the workplace on a monthly basis and time to attend College for specific occupational routes.
What do learning at work courses involve for an employer?
Employers will be required to allow the employee time to be assessed in the workplace on a monthly basis and, if required, time to attend College for specific occupational routes. An employer will be required to contribute to monthly reviews, confirming how the learner is progressing in the workplace.
The duration of a work-based qualification depends on the subject; minimum duration is 8 months, the majority run from 12-24 months and some higher-level qualifications can be for up to 48 months.
For employers with apprentices, there are additional requirements for employees; please see ‘What are the eligibility requirements for an apprentice?’ above
Next steps...
If you have an existing member of staff that you would like to upskill, please visit the subject course information page and complete the application form with your employee. If you require any support or more information please contact us / 01437 753 320.
If you are looking to recruit, Pembrokeshire College can help you find the right person to join your team. Please see ‘Recruitment Service’ tile for more information or you can reach the team on / 01437 753 463.

Recruitment Service
The Employment and Enterprise Bureau, a learner service, funded by the Welsh Government, is available for Pembrokeshire College learners. The College’s Employability team were established in 2010 and have since placed over 2,800 people into work. As the county’s largest provider of a wide range of post-16 education and training, Pembrokeshire College is passionate about providing opportunities for learners.
The Employment and Enterprise Bureau team help learners develop essential employability and entrepreneurial skills by providing advice and guidance to support them into employment or self-employment. Creating more and better progression opportunities for learners, the team continue to build strong recruitment links with employers and prepare learners by developing skills through CV writing, interview skills, work experience placements and job searching.

How can the Employment and Enterprise Bureau help my business?
Pembrokeshire College’s Employment and Enterprise Bureau aims to match the right candidate to the right position within your business. We support and prepare candidates with a wide variety of expertise and skills ready for you to recruit. With a student pool at around 3,000 we have a large spectrum of skills and experience on offer. We can help with:
- Advertising your job vacancies to our student body
- Promoting your vacancies via social media and network platforms
- Holding bespoke recruitment events within the College
- Short-listing candidates
- Supporting with interview arrangements including utilising space in our offices for interviewing candidates
- Offering advice on selecting the right candidate
- Ongoing support once you’ve filled your vacancies
- What to include in the job description
Can you help me host a Recruitment Event at the College?
How do I contact the Employment and Enterprise Bureau?
Our main office is situated in Pembrokeshire College.
Call the team today on: 01437 753 463 or email:
The Team

Work Placements
Can the College help me get a work placement student?
What are the benefits of having a work placement student?
- Work experience is a great recruitment strategy. Research shows young people are more likely to pursue a career in the field they have had work experience in, giving you a bigger pool of young talent to choose from.
- Work experience can benefit your other employees by giving them the opportunity to mentor the trainee and show their own leadership skills.
- Offering work experience opportunities doesn’t cost you financially.
- Work experience is good PR for your company – once word gets around that you offer an excellent work experience programme you will have the best young people wanting to work for you.
- Young people bring a whole new energy and perspective to your business and give you an opportunity to tap into a younger market. You can benefit from the knowledge of youth particularly in terms of IT and social media.
- Placements range from one day per week to block places allowing you to choose which best suits your business needs.
Who do I contact if I'd like a work placement student?
The Team