Pembrokeshire College, Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion share a common purpose with learners at the very heart of their institutions. They are modern Colleges with a clear focus on improving the learner experience and developing teaching and learning practice. Support and care are strong features of each institution and the philosophy of open, transparent leadership is a common attribute. Their commitment to building a more prosperous, healthy and resilient Wales is at the heart of their strategic plans.
Both Pembrokeshire College and Coleg Sir Gar see the value of aligning their core missions to offer significant added. value through working closer together. Such an engagement is structured upon an understanding that it does not challenge the independence of the Colleges as autonomous institutions but rather that it reinforces their core ‘mission’ as a fundamental building block for capacity building across South West Wales.
Accordingly, the governing bodies of Pembrokeshire College and Coleg Sir Gar have resolved to establish a Deed of Association between the two colleges which establishes a framework for mutual collaboration. It sets out how the Colleges will work together to take forward the strategic vision for the creation of a new college alliance, delivering transformational changes in the communities we serve and establishing a strong platform for possible future collaborative developments. The collective impact and influence that such an alliance would have will deliver tangible, strategic benefit and secure maximum impact for South West Wales and beyond.
Dr Andrew Cornish, CEO and Principal of Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion stated ‘I am delighted to formally announce our strategic partnership with Pembrokeshire College. We already work successfully with our colleagues in Pembrokeshire in a number of areas, but this alliance will allow us to focus on important developments and regeneration in the region and make a real impact on the communities and economy of South West Wales.’
Dr Barry Walters, CEO and Principal of Pembrokeshire College also welcomed the alliance stating ‘This strategic partnership with Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion provides an exciting opportunity to further develop the work already being undertaken collaboratively between the colleges for the benefit of our student communities, our employers and the region as a whole. The partnership will enable us to better meet the needs of, and respond to, the opportunities being presented in the Health, Construction and Energy sectors in the South West’.
The Colleges will now work closely together to realise the enormous potential of the alliance.