Pembrokeshire College, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1SZ


A-level Exam Paper Fee

A-level Exam Paper Fee

People in exam room

Is this course right for me?

This fee covers the cost of an A-level Exam.

We will submit all your details to the exam board and send you the details of when and where you will need to be for the exam. Please let us know if you need any particular access arrangements.

  • Each application is considered on individual merit
  • Entry is subject to attending a course information session or informal interview
If you have gained your qualifications outside of the UK we will use ECCTIS to check their equivalence to UK qualifications. Please upload proof of your qualifications as part of the application process.
  • Successful completion of relevant programme (including skills) and decision from progression board meeting
You may need to study an additional skills course depending on:
  • the course you are taking at College
  • what grades you gained in your GCSE Maths and/or English Language
Click below to find out what skills course you may be taking at College.

Learners have the option to complete course assessment/assignments or elements of the course through the medium of Welsh or bilingually. Visit our Welsh Language in the College page to find out what else is available to you.

Any costs above are approximate and may change.

Any costs above are approximate and may change.

Additional information

Sports Academy: While on this course you may be able to join our Sports Academy, if you have a talent for sport, find out what we offer on our Sports Academy page.

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Last updated: 17/05/2022
The College takes all reasonable steps to provide the educational services and courses as described above. Details are correct at the time of editing but may be subject to change without prior notice. Courses will not run if student numbers are insufficient. The College has the right to refuse individuals entry to courses in certain circumstances. Prospective students may be advised of more suitable alternatives, if appropriate. The entry requirements stated are those that are normally required to undertake the programme of study.
People in exam room
You're viewing: A-level Exam Paper Fee £100.00
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