Pembrokeshire College, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1SZ


Life Skills Academy

Life Skills Academy

person in wheelchair in a kitchen

Following the Colegau Cymru blended curriculum, learners can follow a mixture of accredited and non-accredited programmes, The Life Skills Academy offers enriched and varied programmes which have been specifically designed to allow individuals to learn and live more independently. Learners will develop their social skills and wellbeing, engage with their community, improve their literacy, numeracy and digital literacy and prepare for the world of work.

ID: 40764

Is this course right for me?

We offer a range of flexible programmes that are highly inclusive and supportive to individual learner needs that focus on a realistic destination of:

  • Preparing for adulthood
  • Further Education
  • Employability

All programmes are person centred to ensure the learners aspirations are met.

We have Skills programmes (Pathway 1 and 2) for learners who may require closer support throughout the day, including break and lunch times.

Programmes include:

  • Skills for life
  • Skills for life plus
  • Skills for employment
  • Skills for progress

We have Preparation programmes (Pathway 3) for learners who may be ready for greater independence throughout the day, including break and lunch times.

Programmes include:

  • Preparation for life
  • Preparation for further education (FE)
  • Preparation for employment

Life Skills Academy programmes are three day per week in college. Whilst in College, learners will be able to experience our class-based sessions, our independent living skills zone, and work experience within our workshop, garden centre and learner run café *new for 2023*.

For learners wishing to prepare for the world of work please follow the below link to view the Pathway 4 Provision. Learners joining the Pathway 4 programme will be expected to attend independent work placement/supported internship for two days a week. Life Skills Academy – Pathway 4 Employment – Pembrokeshire College

Read our Additional Learning Needs Transition to College guide.

If you would like to attend the College for taster activities or have any questions please contact Wendy Salisbury, at

  • Successful completion of Link Programme
  • Each application is considered on individual merit
  • Entry is subject to attending a course information session or informal interview
If you have gained your qualifications outside of the UK we will use ECCTIS to check their equivalence to UK qualifications. Please upload proof of your qualifications as part of the application process.
  • Not applicable

All Life Skills Academy programmes comprise of the following:

  • Community Inclusion – Community involvement, road safety, travel, volunteering and enterprise activities
  • Employability – Work practice, organisation, time management, working independently, teamwork, preparing for an interview
  • Independent Living Skills – Relationships, cooking, managing money, personal hygiene, household duties, choices and decision making
  • Health and Wellbeing – Physical exercise, creative arts, healthy life choices, self-advocacy, rights and responsibilities
  • Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy

Depending on the learner destination, a greater amount of time will be spent developing those skills set.

You may need to study an additional skills course depending on:
  • the course you are taking at College
  • what grades you gained in your GCSE Maths and/or English Language
Click below to find out what skills course you may be taking at College.

Learners have the option to complete course assessment/assignments or elements of the course through the medium of Welsh or bilingually. Visit our Welsh Language in the College page to find out what else is available to you.

  • Continuous assessment during the course
  • Practical assessment during the course

We have an excellent partnership with Careers Wales Advisors and other external agencies. They, in conjunction with college transition representatives, help learners with suitable post-college opportunities. These may include advice on living independently (prepare for adulthood), employment (voluntary work) or the next steps to further their education at the College or attendance at Adult Social Activity Centres.

  • Stationery - you will be told about any specific items before you start the course
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing, which you can purchase online before you start the course
  • Practical/comfortable clothing for parts of the course
  • You may be eligible for funding. Find out more on our student finance page

Any costs above are approximate and may change.

  • No tuition fee
  • We are waiving the Administration Fee for the academic year 2025/26
  • You will need to pay a £48 life skills workshop fee each year before you start the course
  • You can rent a locker for £10 per year this will be refunded if the locker remains undamaged and keys are returned
  • You may be eligible for funding. Find out more on our student finance page

Any costs above are approximate and may change.

Additional information



Sports Academy: While on this course you may be able to join our Sports Academy, if you have a talent for sport, find out what we offer on our Sports Academy page.

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Last updated: 10/12/2024
The College takes all reasonable steps to provide the educational services and courses as described above. Details are correct at the time of editing but may be subject to change without prior notice. Courses will not run if student numbers are insufficient. The College has the right to refuse individuals entry to courses in certain circumstances. Prospective students may be advised of more suitable alternatives, if appropriate. The entry requirements stated are those that are normally required to undertake the programme of study.
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