Useful links

Existing Students & Staff

This page has quick links for current Students and Staff of the College.

Contact the Safeguarding Team:

Cinematic portrait woman with neon lighting.
Woman wearing headphones listening and dancing in front of neon lights.

Student Links

Login to the College Student Intranet, IT Support, News and Info

Email for Students Absence. Remember this needs to be in before 9:30am

View your timetable on EBS OnTrack

Microsoft Outlook and OneDrive (Cloud Storage)

Current bus times and pick up points

This Year’s Coursework and Learning Plan

Work-based Learning E-portfolio System

Students password reset

Apply for your TOTUM / NUS Card

Set up a Direct Debit for your course fees or gym membership

Info for starting a new course

Pay Your Fees

Only pay your Admin and Workshop Fees once you have accepted your offer and are in the enrolment process.

Admin, Workshop and other course fees

Pay an Invoice

If you have been sent an invoice to pay or have an instalment to pay, click here to pay online.


Moving up a year in your course?


Use the link below to find the links to apply for the second or third year of your current course.

Apply NOW

Close up of lit up keyboard.

Staff Links

Login to the College Staff Intranet, News and Info

Staff password reset

Current bus times and pick up points

Microsoft Outlook and OneDrive (Cloud Storage)

This Year’s Coursework and Learning Plan

Need someone to talk to?

Your Tutor

If you have any concerns about your studies let your tutor know, it’s important that they know if you are struggling or don’t understand so they offer the right support. If you have any worries about things other than your course, they’ll be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

Pastoral Coaches

Each Faculty has dedicated Pastoral Coaches who you’ll be introduced to during the first few weeks of College. Your Pastoral Coach will be on-hand throughout your studies to support you with any difficulties or barriers which are preventing you from achieving your full potential. Support includes both appointment and drop-in services, support and advice on wellbeing, relationships, behaviour, attendance, attainment, motivation, confidence building, housing, financial and signposting to other agencies for other support as required, plus regular contact throughout your time in college and during all college holidays.


Careers Advisors

Pembrokeshire College’s Careers & Guidance Advisors can support you with your progression; whether you need help with identifying your ambitions, knowing how to get to where you want to be, or simply researching your options. Our friendly advisors are here to help you. Visit them in the Admissions Office or drop them an email.

Wellbeing Team

Our Wellbeing Team are here to help you get the most out of your College experience. We have a wide variety of support services including a nurse, counsellors, employment bureau, chaplain, youth worker, TogetherAll (website offering online support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) plus much more. Visit The Hwb (at the top of the stairs in the atrium) to find out about the support available and how to access it.

TogetherAll, Mental health support. 24/7. Confidential. Online community. Free to all students.

Out of Hours

Please see a list of additional support offerings below if required:

Crisis or Emergency

  • If you think that either yourself or someone else are going to hurt themselves, call the police or ambulance service 999 or go to your local Accident and Emergency department immediately
  • If you or someone you know are at risk from domestic violence, call the police on 999 immediately
If you are made homeless Other homelessness support

Keep Warm Keep Well is a campaign to support people across Pembrokeshire during the cost of living crisis.

The campaign is being led by the Pembrokeshire Community Hub in partnership with Pembrokeshire County Council, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services and a variety of agencies including Hywel Dda Health Board, Emergency Services and the Voluntary Sector.

Across Pembrokeshire we are once again seeing communities and organisations doing a fantastic job offering a range of local solutions including a warm space, hot meal, activities and access to information & advice. View online some of these Warm Welcome Community Spaces and what they have to offer.

A Winter Warm pack of items is available to people living in cold conditions in Pembrokeshire. The warm packs are part of Pembrokeshire’s programme of support for people struggling with the cost of living.

  • The packs will be distributed by West Wales Care & Repair and Ateb staff and volunteers on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council.
  • Each pack contains a range of items to help people keep warm during the cold winter months.
  • To ensure these Warm packs reach those who would benefit from them the most, they are available by Referral Only (not self-referral).
  • Contact the College Wellbeing Team or Pembrokeshire Community Hub on 01437 723 660 or email
NHS 111 Wales poster, sad person looking at a phone. For urgent mental health support call 111 and press option 2. Healthcare advice you can trust 24/7 Free to call from a landline or mobile, even if you have no credit left.
  • Hywel Dda Mental Health Helpline 111 Option 2
  • If you need medical support for a mental health condition speak to your GP for advice and a referral to mental health services.
  • If you are in crisis, go to your closest Accident and Emergency department.
The following organisations can offer counselling and support:

Student Portal

Staff Portal

Pastoral Coaches
Careers Advisors
Welsh Government
Youth worker