Chwaraeon Academi Chwaraeon Academïau Pêl-fasged Pêl-rwyd Rygbi Pêl-droed Bocsio Tennis Clwb Cyfoethogi Allgyrsiol

Byddwch chi’n colli 100% o’r ergydion na fyddwch chi’n eu cymryd


Nod yr academi yw caniatáu i chwaraewyr wneud y mwyaf o’u potensial chwarae tra’n cynnig addysg a hyfforddiant o safon uchel i alluogi pobl ifanc i gyflawni eu potensial llawn.

Cysylltwch â ni:

Close up sole of sport shoe in neon colored background
Rugby field gate on green grass

Academi Rygbi

As a member of the academy, you will receive 12 hours per week of coaching and development.

This will include:

  • Skills training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Video Analysis
  • Game preparation

The elite team plays in the National Colleges and Schools WRU league which is part of the WRU/Regional performance pathway. There are structured national league fixtures which are televised via S4C on Rygbi Pwb every week. Performances are videoed and coded for analysis on the WRU sportzone website.

The development team will play in the local school’s league and Welsh school’s cup.

After the 15s season is completed in March a full 7s programme of training and tournaments is followed.

Pembrokeshire College is the largest education provider in Pembrokeshire offering a range of technical and academic courses. Access to the Rugby academy is open to all college learners.

The Sports and Public services BTEC courses plus A-level programmes are timetabled around the training and fixture schedule. Learners in other areas are also eligible to participate with the approval of course tutors. The Sports department have a range of lecturers with expertise in key areas to enable you to progress with a career in sport.

The male teams are:

  • U18s Rygbi Sir Benfro Elite Team
  • U18s Coleg Sir Benfro Development Team

The female teams are:

  • Coleg Sir Benfro Female Rugby Team
  • Rugby 7s programme is followed culminating in attending Rosslyn Park 7s
We have a full coaching team with a vast range of experience and expertise to support your development in Rugby.
  • Head Coach Matthew Jess – Ex professional Rugby player Exeter Chiefs, Level 4 RFU Coaching Award, Level 2 S & C RFU award and Scarlets RAG Coach
  • Head Coach Adam Jones – Level 2 WRU Coach and BSC Sports Coaching
  • Coach Aled Waters – Level 3 WRU Coaching Award, BSc Sports Coaching, Welsh Exiles and Performance U15s Dewar shield
  • Coach Thomas Meredith – Level 2 WRU Coaching Award, BSc Rugby Coaching and Performance, International Sports Analyst and Head Coach U15s Dewar shield
  • Coach Adrian Bateman – Level 2 WRU Coaching Award, PGCE in PE and MSc Coaching Science
  • S & C Coach Jordan Frank – Level 2 WRU Coaching award, Level 4 Strength and Conditioning and FD in Rugby Coaching and Performance
  • Sports Physiotherapist Lewys Wilkes – BSc Sports Therapy and Member of Sport Therapy Society

Pembrokeshire College is one of three regional centres of development for the Scarlets Region. Our staff are heavily involved with supporting the Dewar shield programme and regional age grade rugby. These close links to the Scarlets enable players to be identified and supported to progress through the national elite pathway.

Local community links have ensured that a significant number of our players have maximised their playing potential and are now key players for local clubs and semi pro teams. Players are given opportunity to attain WRU.

Aidan Bateman

Aidan Bateman

Mae Aidan yn gyn-fyfyriwr chwaraeon a gynrychiolodd y coleg yn nhîm Rygbi Sir Benfro a'r Scarlets dan 18. Ers hynny mae wedi mynd ymlaen i astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerfaddon gan chwarae yng nghynghrair y Super Buccs i dîm Cyntaf Bath ac wedi cwblhau interniaeth yn Awstralia gyda'r Waratahs fel dadansoddwr chwaraeon.

Rob Evans

Rob Evans

Cyn-fyfyriwr mecanyddol oedd Rob a gynrychiolodd y coleg mewn rygbi. Drwy hyn fe'i dewiswyd i dîm dan 18 Cymru a'r Scarlets. Ers hynny mae wedi symud ymlaen i fod yn chwaraewr rygbi proffesiynol yn cynrychioli Cymru.


Lleucu George

Enillodd Lleucu y graddau uchaf ar y cwrs chwaraeon lle bu'n cynrychioli ac yn gapten gyda Cholegau Cymru yn y pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol a chwarae dros Gymru. Symudodd Lleucu ymlaen i Met Caerdydd gan gwblhau ei gradd ac mae bellach yn chwaraewr rygbi proffesiynol o dan gytundeb URC.

Blank headshot placeholder.

Dan Page

Mae Dan yn fyfyriwr Lefel A llwyddiannus sy'n symud ymlaen i'r brifysgol i astudio newyddiaduraeth chwaraeon. Mae wedi bod yn rhan o raglen hyfforddi'r Scarlets ac wedi cynrychioli Academicaliaid Cymru.

Marged Williams holding a rugby ball.

Marged Williams

Bu Marged yn fyfyriwr lwyddiannus ar y cwrs chwaraeon gan ennill graddau Rhagoriaeth a chwaraeodd i dîm dan 18 y Scarlets. Mae Marged bellach yn astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn chwarae rygbi i'r Brifysgol a Merched Hendy-gwyn

Man with foot resting on a football outside in field

Academi Pêl-droed

The college football academy train twice a week with around 16 to 20 games per year on a Wednesday afternoon across south Wales, depending on league. The average week is made up of:
  • Monday – Technical and tactical training sessions. Including specific goalkeeper sessions (1hr 30mins)
  • Wednesday – Game Day fixtures played across south Wales
  • Friday – Technical and tactical training, video analysis, five a side, individual player reviews, strength & conditioning and physiotherapy treatment (1hr 30mins)

Pembrokeshire College is the largest education provider in Pembrokeshire offering a range of technical and academic courses. Access to the Football academy is open to all college learners.

The Sports and Public services BTEC courses plus A-level programmes are timetabled around the training and fixture schedule. Learners in other areas are also eligible to participate with the approval of course tutors. The Sports department have a range of lecturers with expertise in key areas to enable you to progress with a career in sport.

The male teams are:
  • 1st Team U19 Elite Squad – playing in the Association of Colleges (AOC) National Welsh Colleges League
  • 2nd Team U19 Development squad – playing in the AOC Category 3 National Welsh Colleges League
  • 3rd Team Participation squad – friendly fixtures south Wales
The female teams are:
  • Coleg Sir Benfro Female Football Team
  • Welsh Colleges 5 aside football competition is entered

We have a full coaching team with a vast range of experience and expertise to support your development.

  • Andrew Thomas – UEFA B Licence Football Coach, College Senior Lecturer within the sports department, Strength & Conditioning Coach and Academy Co-Ordinator
  • Steve Briers – UEFA A Licence Football Coach and FAW Coach Educator
  • Ben Fawcett – Football Coach working towards C licence qualification and Haverfordwest Welsh Premier Football player (representative honours at Welsh colleges U19 and Welsh Schools U18 level)
  • Bethan Sutton – Assistant Coach, UEFA C Licence, BSC Football Coaching, Development and Administration USW
  • Oli Howlin – Participation Coach, ex-student at Pembrokeshire College, BTEC Extended Diploma Sports Coaching & Development
  • Lewys Wilkes – Sports Physiotherapist, BSc Sports Therapy and Member of Sport Therapy Society

On the elite pathway a working partnership with Haverfordwest County Football Club (HCFC) ensures that players game time and recovery is closely monitored at development and Welsh premier level. The college also supports the HCFC programme with workshops and sports science expertise for future Pembrokeshire footballers.

The College Football Academy work closely with the football community in Pembrokeshire to support the development of players at all levels. In the community – learners are encouraged to play for their with local teams and through, developing them as coaches to support their local club.

Learners also support primary school’s festivals with referees.

Lucas Davies

Lucas Davies

Mae Lucas ar ei ail flwyddyn o raglen Chwaraeon BTEC (chwaraewr cap dan 19 Colegau Cymru ac Ysgolion Cymru dan 18 tymor 2022-23). Y tymor hwn mae wedi ennill y clod o fod yn gapten tîm 1af y Coleg a thîm Datblygu Sirol Hwlffordd. Mae hefyd yn chwaraewr carfan i dîm Uwch Gynghrair Cymru.

Headshot of Harri John.

Harri John

Harri oedd chwaraewr dan 19 Colegau Cymru a gafodd gap yn nhymor 2022-23. Mae Harri yn fyfyriwr chwaraeon BTEC Lefel 3 presennol yn ei ail flwyddyn o’r rhaglen gan gydbwyso ei waith academaidd â llwyddiant gyda thîm 1af Coleg. O fewn y gymuned mae Harri yn chwaraewr i dîm 1af Uwch Gynghrair Cymru Sir Hwlffordd yn 16 oed, camp fawr mor gynnar yn ei yrfa.

Headshot of Megan Thomas.

Megan Thomas

Mae Megan yn fyfyriwr Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus mewn Lifrai sy’n chwarae pêl-droed i Glwb Pêl-droed Merched Caerfyrddin ac mae wedi ennill cap Cymru dros bêl-droed Colegau Cymru.

A woman running on treadmill in gym

Rhaglen Elît

Bydd dysgwyr sy’n perfformio mewn chwaraeon unigol a thîm ac sy’n dymuno cael mynediad at arbenigedd gwyddor chwaraeon ychwanegol yn cael eu cefnogi trwy Raglen Elît yr Academi Chwaraeon.

Bydd dysgwyr yn cael eu hannog i ddefnyddio ein cyfleusterau a’n staff i wella eu cryfder a’u cyflyru. Bydd cefnogaeth academaidd, hyfforddiant a chystadleuaeth yn cael eu cydlynu mewn ymgynghoriad â’u hyfforddwr.

Headshot of Rhys Llewellyn.

Rhys Llewellyn

Mae Rhys yn fyfyriwr Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Chwaraeon sy’n cystadlu fel athletwr traws gwlad a thrac. Mae ganddo anrhydeddau Cymraeg ac mae wedi cynrychioli Colegau Cymru ym mhencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol AOC. Mae'n bwriadu symud ymlaen i'r brifysgol i barhau â'i astudiaethau a'i yrfa athletaidd.

Headshot of Dafydd Pawlet.

Dafydd Pawlet

Mae Dafydd yn fyfyriwr Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Chwaraeon sy’n cystadlu fel taflwr maen. Mae ganddo anrhydeddau Prydain a Chymru ac mae'n bwriadu mynd ymlaen i'r brifysgol i barhau â'i astudiaethau a'i yrfa athletaidd.