Do you strive to improve your fitness and receive structured training to develop your sporting talent, or to gain the skills and discipline necessary to pursue a career in one of the many protective/public services such as the police, fire, ambulance or military?
Our sports courses offer an exciting mix of practise and theory and are designed to allow you to progress into one of the many roles within the sports and fitness industry or to progress to university to further develop your knowledge.
Our protective/public service courses are aimed at learners who are looking to pursue a career in the vast protective/public services sector from border control to the civil service, prison wardens and the police, the opportunities are vast and these courses will start to prepare you for your future career.
Finally, our military preparation course is just that. We’ll work on your fitness levels, teamwork, communication and discipline, all designed to prepare you to undertake selection for your chosen military career.
Pembrokeshire College’s Commitment to the Armed Forces
At Pembrokeshire College we are proud to support the UK’s armed forces and reservists. We have signed the Armed Forces Covenant as a voluntary pledge of mutual support between the College community and its local armed forces community.
We encourage activity that integrates military and civilian communities, and recognise the skills and attributes that having served can bring to the College and its learners.
The College has worked in close partnership with the Armed forces since 2001. The Military Preparation Course utilises serving military personnel for co-delivery for activities in which learners can experience and develop military skills. Learners also engage with a wide variety of regiments/corps, which helps to develop their knowledge of the various employment opportunities in the British Armed Forces. College staff and learners also support the British Royal Legion and Armistice Day Parade/events.
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